Rend Lake Announces the 2024 Small World Program Schedule

BENTON – Each month, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake hosts a Small World environmental education program designed for children five years old and younger at the Rend Lake Visitor Center. This popular series will continue in 2024 with old favorites and new program offerings. Small World Programs are offered the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. and are free to the public. Each month, a new theme is explored through a story, craft, and activity. While the programs are designed for children five years old and younger, all ages are welcome to attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Home school groups, pre-school groups, daycare facilities, and other groups are welcome to participate, but should register first by contacting the Rend Lake Project Office/Visitor Center at 618-724-2493. Schedules are available at the Rend Lake Project Office/Visitor Center, online at and on the Rend Lake Project Office/Visitor Center Facebook page.

2024 Small World Program Schedule

January 16: Winter Wonderland – Walk in a winter wonderland and learn all about snow.

February 20: Build Like a Beaver – Beavers are nature’s engineers! Build and test your own beaver dam.

March 19: Feeling Froggy – Go toad-ally crazy and learn about frogs, their life cycle & special sounds!

April 16: Lights and Colors Fantastic – Let’s learn about rainbows and their colors.

May 21: Animal Moms – Celebrate Mother’s Day by learning how animal parents take care of their babies!

June 18: The Hungry Caterpillar – Explore the butterfly life cycle, then catch butterflies!

July 16: Beach Day – Join Park Rangers at South Sandusky Beach for a beach day just for kids!

August 20: Sink or Float? – What materials sink or float, and why? Explore water and buoyancy.

September 17: Birds & Their Beaks – There are so many kinds of bird beaks! Investigate how birds fill their bills!

October 29: Trick or Treat the Visitor Center – Dress up in your favorite costume and trick-or-treat at the Visitor Center.

November 19: Pumpkin Patch – Pumpkins aren’t just for carving! Learn all about this fall fruit!

December 17: Holiday Celebration – Make ornaments for your tree and meet Santa and other special friends.

Photo credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake

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