Williamson County Board Approves Simpson’s Resignation, Appoints Interim Supervisor of Assessments

MARION – At Friday’s Williamson County Board of Commissioners meeting, commissioners accepted the resignation of Supervisor of Assessments Alex Simpson and appointed former Supervisor of Assessments Jeff Robinson as interim supervisor beginning Monday.

Robinson will serve in this role for 60 days. The county board will post the position to hire a new Supervisor of Assessments.

From L to R: Williamson County Commissioners Jim Rasor, Tim Atkisson, and Jim Marlo (Photo credit: Withers Broadcasting/Dana Communications)

Simpson announced his resignation Wednesday saying it would be effective Friday. The county board asked him to resign his position or face removal under Illinois Property Tax Code.

Alex Simpson (Photo credit: williamsoncountyil.gov)

A statute under the code allows the county board by a vote of 2/3 of its members, to dismiss a supervisor of assessments before the expiration of his or her term for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of the duties of the office.

Simpson disputed the charges, but decided to resign rather than appeal to the county board.

Taxpayers saw an increase in their property taxes this year due to under assessed property values. Taxpayers were also told there are exemptions they can get to help with their taxes.

Also at Friday’s meeting, the county board voted to abate the late penalty on all late installments of property tax payments for this year considering the heavy burden that some are facing.

The county board is also working on a plan to hold a public forum to explain the property tax increases that some were faced with this year.

It may be a month-and-a-half to two months before the forum can be held according to board members. They want to get a professionally produced PowerPoint, that will cost a few hundred dollars, created with simplified information explaining the property tax situation so everyone can easily understand what happened this year. Plus they want the interim Supervisor of Assessments and the new Supervisor of Assessments to be present at the forum.

It’s also unknown at this time if the county will reassess properties as it will be in a transition period with the Supervisor of Assessments.

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