MT. VERNON – Due to the weather, the City of Mt. Vernon has rescheduled Wednesday’s open house regarding the Parks Master Plan and Indoor Recreation Facility Market Study.
It will now be held on Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5 to 6 p.m., at the at the Rolland Lewis Community Building at Veterans Memorial Park on South 27th Street.
This open house gives you the chance to review the draft recommendations, ask questions, and share your feedback.
The city will cover highlights of the project so far, community feedback it has received, feasibility of an indoor recreation facility, park analysis and improvement needs, draft recommendations for the future and opportunities for public input.
The open house will include displays with project information, a short presentation, and time for questions and discussion. Your input is essential to shaping the future of our parks and exploring possibilities for an Indoor Recreation Facility in Mt. Vernon.
For more details, contact Nathan McKenna, Assistant City Manager, at 618-242-6807 or