ELDORADO – Charlene Whitler of Eldorado donated a large kiln to Southeastern Illinois College for use in future studio art classes.
Whitler studied art from various artists around the world, including learning European techniques at the Meissen Factory in Germany, and has traveled the world teaching her techniques, in addition to teaching local classes in Eldorado. Some of her works and discussion have been published in Collecting Hand Painted Limoges Porcelain Boxes to Vases: A Schiffer Book for Designers and Collectors by Debby DuBay in 2004.
When her children were small, she worked as a librarian at Malan Junior High in Harrisburg, and later worked as an administrative assistant for the Harrisburg Unit 3 School District. Her summers were spent teaching art at universities like Rockhurst University in Missouri, University of Michigan, and Cazenovia College in New York.
Whitler estimates the gently used kiln, which fires at well over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, is valued at around a couple of thousand dollars.
“We are thankful for Ms. Whitler’s donation to the college and am excited to see what creative student works come out of her generosity” said Dr. Tyler Billman, Executive Dean of Academic Services.
A studio art class is being taught at SIC this fall by retired instructor Julia Pfeifer. For more information, email advising@sic.edu or call 618-252-5400, ext. 4130.