Ferrell Hospital Parking Lot Renovation Begins Monday

Photo credit: Ferrell Hospital

ELDORADO –The renovation of Ferrell Hospital’s front parking lot on Benton Street will begin Monday.

The work will be completed in two phases by splitting the parking lot into two sections – the left side (closer to Glenwood Avenue) and the right side (closer to Pine Street). The right side will be closed for renovation first, which leaves the left side open for patient parking only. Vehicles will still enter and exit from Benton Street.
The parking lot at Smith and Reynolds streets added 58 marked employee parking spots plus additional lighting for safety. This lot will be open for employee parking both during and after the construction of the new main parking lot.
Any updates or changes will be posted to the Ferrell Hospital webpage in the “News” section at www.ferrellhosp.org/News, and the Ferrell Hospital Facebook page.
The construction completion date is scheduled for the second week of November 2023.

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